Kintsugi - The Art of Personal Reconstruction

Stuggle 2 - Wobble

Episode Summary

This is a bit of a hybrid series; one part documenting the other side of the struggle - the euphoric 'I think I just beat it' side, and the other talking a little bit more about the series and some of the places I want to take thing. There is also a saying - "Pride goes before a fall", in this case "Euphoria goes before a fall".

Episode Notes

When experiencing this seemingly unusual euphoric state (perhaps a symptom of the brain returning more balance chemically - my best guess). It can seem everything is working out just fine. In my experience of this, it has become a sign, a warning even, to be careful. This euphoric state often leads to early complacency that can land you right back in the place you're feeling so good about having just left and in the case of the next two episodes - relapse.