Kintsugi - The Art of Personal Reconstruction

Progress not Perfection

Episode Summary

Talking about staying on task, despite having failed a couple of times. A lot changed when I realized I had to keep moving forward, especially if I felt the cause was justified. I learned what I needed to stick with and what to let go of, and most importantly the realization that failing at something did not mean the end of working at doing a better job of it. There also is a counterpoint to this, some things are not meant to be overcome, but rather, avoided. Cultivating this wisdom has been a huge part of what I've learned on this journey. We may not always get it right, but we can always orient ourselves and give it our best shot. Sometimes the goal is to progress, not to be perfect.

Episode Notes

Though I introduce this as Episode 9, it is actually Episode 10 and it exists within the context of the last two, documenting the experience of a relapse bubble. 

This is a really short episode relative to the others, and putting it up has been difficult process... Until now. There is also something poetic about this process seeing as it was recorded months ago. As each episode comes out, so too do the events play out in my own experience right after uploading them. So while I've been uploading episodes about relapses and the bubble, I've experienced just that in the last couple of weeks.